Saturday, October 25, 2014



We grouped up with 3 new (new to us that is…) boats and Terri Ann to traverse through the next 2 locks.  We were going to leave at 8AM but the lock informed us that a tow was going through.  We thought it best to wait until he got down to the next lock before going through this one so we wouldn’t end up waiting downstream.  Good logic but did not anticipate an upstream tow as well so ended up waiting anyhow.  We’ve learned the story with the locks is often times “hurry up and wait”!  Each lock here is a carbon copy of the one before.  They all drop 30’ and are 600’ X 110’ in size.  We are getting pretty good at tying up now.

All the other boats were power boats and they pressed on to points further South leaving us the opportunity to find yet another little out of the way anchorage.  Once we were anchored at Cane Creek Cutoff, we just sat and enjoyed the reflections on the water. 

Love the quiet and listening to the birds and bugs.  We hear a lot of birds but it was difficult to see them.  This was a tight anchorage and we ended up tying a line from the stern to a root of a tree to keep us from swinging. 

Molly is getting more comfortable every day.  She still much prefers being anchored than being in a marina.  We will continue to work on that since that is where she will end up living for 4 months this Winter.  

I know we need to update and show the map but can’t find it right now.  Will try to get that done next post.

Thanks to those of you who are still reading and keeping up with our progress.  I know it is probably starting to seem like more of the same with each post lately.  Once we get closer to the Gulf I expect that will change!


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