Monday, October 6, 2014



After a bit of coffee and tea, went to the Kentucky Dam Lodge for a buffet breakfast.  Nice facility with a gorgeous copper fireplace in the middle.

John installed the controller board and YES, we have a fridge!  Wow, hard to believe it's back up and running.  Good call Captain John!  Meanwhile, Becky took me to the grocery some 10 miles away and we stocked up on food.  John called while I was filling the cart and gave me the good news.  How wonderful to be able to buy food again!

After unloading and stowing the goods, Becky and Jimmy drove us down to the Woodland Nature Center at Land between the Lakes (LBL) and we did a 5-mile hike on Honkers Lake. You'll be seeing "LBL" a lot in the next week as we journey south along this piece of land.  From this point forward we expect to start seeing lots of wildlife and taking in historical sites.  There is much history to be learned around these parts. We are quickly approaching Civil War battlegrounds and forts.

John and I so needed a good stretch and hike!  Took in some nice views and got in a bit of a workout.

Back to the cottage for happy hour and a little grilling out.  Tried to engage Molly but she wasn't having much of that.  Think she keeps wondering where in God's name she is and why??  It cooled way down so we stayed in enjoying martinis, some vino and each other’s company for the rest of the evening.


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