Friday, October 24, 2014


The Loopers that is.  The rendezvous is over and we are starting to see boats trickle down the Tenn-Tom.  We took the dingy into the Piney Grove campground and had a nice hike.  Also took our shower gear with us and had a nice shower while we were there. 

We knew we wanted to change venues and find a different anchorage when we saw 4 Looper boats on the horizon.  Decided we better pull up the anchor and move before they got there.  Went into the Natchez Trace Recreation area which encompassed 5 “fingers” of water any which of we anchorable.  We chose the middle finger (no significance there) and plopped our hook down.  Within an hour there were 4 more boats anchored nearby.  Come to find out that 2 of the boats were from our neck of the woods in Lake Michigan, Blue Willow from Petoskey, MI and Patriot from Ludington.  Those 2 boats had rafted together and invited us on board for a drink. 

Had an enjoyable time getting to know some fellow Great Lakers and took in a spectacular sunset!  We anticipate that from this point forward we will be running into many Loopers all the way to the Gulf now.  We are leaving with a group in the morning and hope to do as many as 6 locks...we'll see!

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