Tuesday, September 30, 2014



We now know there is a reason they call this river the “Mighty Mississippi”.  It sure is different down here than at home in Dubuque, IA.  It has swirly, squirrely eddies, current and the channel winds back and forth.  All of that coupled with the bigger towboats and barge loads make it seem like the wild, wild west of boating at times.  We had a nice run downstream to Cape Girardeau.  Encountered a fair amount of barge traffic and the scenery started to improve. 

We also went by this couple in a canoe, another interesting travel story here.  Check out their website.

As we were travelling we saw a small boat start catching up from behind.  Soon we realized it was a Rossborough and our French Canadian friends Sylvi and Simon!  

They travel about 15 to 17 knots so they came bye to say hi and blew right by us.  As we were beginning to pass Cape G., noticed Seamont had pulled up to a fuel dock for gas.  It was a small dock but provided access to town.  We decided that a trip into town for more ice since our refrigerator is out would be in order.  We attempted to raft to Seamont but the current was so strong it made it impossible.  Thanks to Sylvi who tried to accommodate us.  We decided that John would take coolers and the dinghy into the fuel dock and walk to town while I ran Free Bird in circles near the channel.  With the strong current it wasn’t an option to just float.  John’s ice mission turned into quite a haul.  He had looked on his cell phone and saw a convenience store 3 blocks from the river but every time we tried to call we got “all circuits are busy” so he just thought he would go for it.  Well…no ice at store 1, no ice at store 2.  Keep in mind it is 87 degrees and he is walking for ice.  Some customers at store 2 suggested he go to Family Dollar.  He ended up getting 44 lbs. of ice but was almost 10 blocks from the boat.  I meanwhile am dancing in circles in the boat and am getting a bit concerned that something happened to him.  I saw 3 trawlers coming South and knew it was some Loopers headed for the anchorage we intended to go to as well at Little Diversion Channel.  I radioed them to explain why I was driving in circles so they would not be concerned that something was wrong.  Next thing I know John is back, we get him back on board and off we go. My ICE HERO!!!
Set the hook with 4 other Looper boats, Perfect Balance, Estrellita, Priorities and Seamont.  Was a great little spot with plenty of room for all.  Perfect Balance invited all crew over for “decktails” on the back deck of their boat.  All the trawlers had their dinghys on davits or stowed so John volunteered to shuttle everyone around.  We were so busy getting ready that I didn't have time to take pictures but will try to get one of the boats to send me some.  It was a great spot.  Right before we left to go though, a fishing boat with some locals came by and a big flying carp jumped into their boat.  The gal who on board picked him up and let me take a shot before throwing him back where he came from.  Says it happens all the time.  Wow!  

As we were sitting on Perfect Balance, we were trying to put together pieces of radio transmissions we all heard about another Looper boat we know that got into trouble, Chantalle and Germaine.  From what we could piece together, they hit a rock that somehow took out their engine way back up by Hoppies.  Sounded like they were OK but their sailboat is not.  We are all thinking of them and anxious to hear more about what happened.  Will update you when we hear. 

This will be our last night on the Mississippi.  On to the Ohio we go!


  1. As a long time river boater told me, The best part of the Mississippi is Getting Off of It.

    Catrina - Mark and Pat

  2. Looks like you are overcoming obstacles with grace and enjoying your time meeting new friends!
    Hope your fridge gets back in working order soon -- that really stinks :(
    Know that we appreciate each and every blog post from your journey :)
    Love yas!
