Tuesday, September 2, 2014


After many rounds of good byes, we finally left our home port, Quarterdeck Marina in Sturgeon Bay this morning passing through the Bay View Bridge at 3:02 AM.  We wanted to get an early start to try to take advantage of the expected West winds.  We were able to sail for about 2-1/2 hours and then wind was no longer filling the sails and we were forced to motor.  Took in a beautiful sunrise over the great state of Michigan.  
I took a 1-1/2 hour nap (if you can call it that at 6:30 in the morning) and John continued making way down lake.  The water smoothed out to almost glass and we had a nice run all the way into Sheboygan arriving at 4PM.  Along the way we passed Rawley Point Lighthouse in Point Beach State Park.  This 113 foot tower is one of the largest and brightest on the Great Lakes.  It is visible up to 19 miles away.
Needless to say, we were very happy to get tied up to the dock.  Although we were dragging a bit, we walked up to the observation deck here at Harbor Centre Marina to take in the view.  John is taking in the hot tub and pool and then it's off to bed for us both for some much needed sleep!  Good night all!


  1. Bon Voyage John and Sara!
    I'm looking forward to following your adventure!

  2. Thinking of you guys as you begin this most exciting excursion. I hope the three of you have the time of your lives. We appreciate your blog which allows us to make the voyage with you -- this is big fun! Give Captain Kitty a few love taps for us. Ahoy & Enjoy! Love yas :)

  3. Did you cut through from Sturgeon Bay to Lake Michigan or did you have to go all the way around up by Washington Island?

    When you were sailing how fast did you average?
    When you were motoring how fast did you average?
