Monday, September 8, 2014


Well, big step today (no pun intended) for us.  We went down the Calumet River and had our mast pulled out.  Even going down this tiny piece of the river was interesting.  We saw a big ship and had to go through 3 bridges just to get to Skyway boat yard.  

And we even saw the Nina and the Pinta.  They were at a shipyard getting their masts pulled out too as they are heading down river and are expected to be in Memphis, TN about Sept. 25th.
Nina and Pinta
As far as our mast goes, I think it is the first time it has ever been parted from the boat.  Happy to report it all went off (or came out as the case may be) without a hitch.  


Headed back to Hammond Marina, got our heads (our bathrooms) pumped out and took on $82 worth of diesel fuel.  Now we are tied up securely and will drive home tomorrow to pick up our kitty crew member Molly.  We will be back here on Friday and are all ready to begin our journey down river on Sunday.

We won't be posting again for a few days as there will be nothing to report.  Have a great few days everyone!!!

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