Thursday, February 19, 2015


Greetings to all from cold, yes cold (will be near 32 tonight) yet sunny Florida. We have had a few requests to provide an update and let you all know we are still alive and well.  

Since arriving here in Punta Gorda on Dec. 8th we traveled back home via rental car, spent the holidays with family and friends and made the journey back down in our own vehicle arriving back here on January 4th.  

The marina life is good.  Almost our entire dock is live-aboards and we have meet some great folks from all over.  The Loopers have all gone farther South and we are settling in with our dock community.  

We have been out sailing only a handful of times, twice overnight and a couple of day sails taking out visitors.  We have had quite a bit of company including old high school friends, MN friends, siblings, nieces and nephews and dock mates from our Quarterdeck days.

We have been taking in as much flora and fauna as we can get in, still enjoying our share of gators!  And Molly is turning into a great boat kitty, she is taking to it like a duck to water now.

We've had some challenges as well as I made my first trip to the ER.  My back decided to fail me and I ended up with a surprise trip to the hospital.  Good news is I was only in for 4 hours, bad news is that 22 years after my back surgery I apparently have severe degeneration and am not as invincible as I thought I was.  Am very much on the mend now and feeling much better.  Just have to accept that aging is part of the deal and I have to be smart about how I choose to move.  We haven't been able to play tennis and my bike riding is out for now but we are hiking and I was able take a spin in the kayak.

We are looking forward to doing some more sailing to our South through some of the islands and down to Fort Meyers in March.  It has been a windy month and we are hoping temps and winds cooperate so we can spend more time at anchor soon.  We will post some pics as we traverse farther South. 

Our plan right now is to pull Free Bird out of the water early April and will head for the big boat in Door County (otherwise known as Cedar Shores Lodge) mid-April.  

To all of our friends up North, be well and stay warm!!! 


  1. Glad you are having great time. After two months in California we motored from ocean to ocean and ended in Orlando at Disney where we remain. Yes we have all had the record cold and warm in Florida but March has been quite nice. We will be arriving back in WI late next week. The white stuff returned to Clar Lin this morning. I look at my security cameras frequently and it had been so bare and then white again. Hopefully it will melt quickly. See you on Clar Lin. Safe travels.

    1. Hi Bob. We are getting ready to pull the boat out of the water and will start heading for WI on Sunday. Sounds like you beat us back there. Talked to Bob and Sue over the weekend and it sounds like the weather is warming up and things are good on Clar Lin. It has been 85+ here all week and we are anxious at this point to get home. Thanks for your note, we'll be seeing you soon!
